============================================================================== Cloudera ODBC Data Connector for Apache Impala Release Notes ============================================================================== The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Cloudera ODBC Connector for Apache Impala 2.7.2, as well as the version history. 2.7.2 ======================================================================== Released 2024-03-01 Enhancements & New Features * [IMP-1002][04539096] Configuring the DSN file The connector can now read configuration names from the DSN file. To do this, set the ConfigsFromFileDSN property to a comma-separated list of configuration names. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-1003] Updated third-party library The connector now uses OpenSSL 3.0.13. Previously, the connector used version 3.0.9. Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Cloudera ODBC Connector for Apache Impala 2.7.2. * [IMP-981][04485926] When authenticating with Advanced Kerberos and a keytab file is used, a memory leak occurs. * [IMP-1001][04538991] When authenticating with JWT to connect to an Impala virtual warehouse cluster with active-active coordinators, the connector returns a 401 error for the first operation after a successful connection. Known Issues The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the connector, or an application. * [IMP-1002][04539096] UnixODBC truncation error The UnixODBC driver manager truncates a long JWT string from the DSN. For a workaround, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-843][00294390] Limited support for query translation The connector does not support query translation if the query contains the "LIMIT x OFFSET y" syntax. * Limited support for BINARY, DATE, and TIME data types - BINARY is not a supported data type in Impala. - DATE is supported only when you connect to Impala version 3.3 or later. - As a result of the limitations above, some values of TIME data types are also not supported. Workflow Changes ============================================================= The following changes may disrupt established workflows for the connector. 2.7.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [IMP-949] Updated SAML SSO cookie cache option When using SAML SSO cookie cache with SAML SSO authentication, the username and password are now optional for the Windows platform. * [IMP-958] Removed support for macOS universal bitness Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports universal bitness for macOS. Support for macOS versions 10.14 and 10.15 have been removed. For a list of supported macOS versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 2.6.18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [IMP-932][00405950] Updated HTTPAuthCookies default value The default value for HTTPAuthCookies is now impala.auth,JSESSIONID,KNOXSESSIONID,impala.session.id. Previously, the default value was impala.auth,JSESSIONID,KNOXSESSIONID. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 2.6.14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [IMP-717][IMP-719] Removed support for Visual Studio 2013 Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports Visual Studio 2013. For a list of supported Visual Studio versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-853][IMP-860][IMP-879][00305355][00352154] Updated HTTPAuthCookies default value The default value for HTTPAuthCookies is now impala.auth,JSESSIONID,KNOXSESSIONID. Previously, there was no default value. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 2.6.12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [IMP-829] Removed support for earlier versions of CDH Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports CDH versions 5.11 through 5.16. For a list of supported CDH versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-823] Removed support for earlier versions of AIX Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports AIX versions 5.2 through 6.1. For a list of supported AIX versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-713][IMP-715] Removed support for earlier versions of Windows Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports the following versions of Windows: - Windows 7 - Windows Server 2008 - Windows Server 2008r2 For a list of supported Windows versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-728][IMP-730] Removed support earlier versions of macOS Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports the following versions of macOS: - macOS 10.12 "Sierra" - macOS 10.11 "El Capitan" - macOS 10.10 "Yosemite" - macOS 10.9 "Mavericks" For a list of supported macOS versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-732][IMP-744][IMP-816][IMP-818][IMP-833] Removed support for earlier versions of Linux distributions Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports the following versions of Linux distributions: - CentOS 6 - RHEL 6 - Ubuntu 14.04 - SLES 11 - Debian 6 and 7 For a list of supported Linux versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 2.6.10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [IMP-680] Removed support for earlier versions of Impala and CDH Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports Impala 2.7 and CDH 5.9 to 5.10. For a list of supported versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-713][IMP-717] Deprecated support for earlier versions of Windows Beginning with this release, support for the following versions of Windows has been deprecated: * Windows 7 * Windows Server 2008 * Windows Server 2008r2 In addition, beginning with this release, support for Visual Studio 2013 has been deprecated. Support will be removed in a future release. For a list of supported Windows and Visual Studio versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-728] Deprecated support for earlier versions of macOS Beginning with this release, support for the following versions of macOS has been deprecated: * macOS 10.12 "Sierra" * macOS 10.11 "El Capitan" * macOS 10.10 "Yosemite" * macOS 10.9 "Mavericks" Support will be removed in a future release. For a list of supported macOS versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-732] Deprecated support for CentOS 6 and RHEL 6 Beginning with this release, support for CentOS 6 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 has been deprecated. Support will be removed in a future release. For a list of supported Linux versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 2.6.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * [IMP-680] Removed support for earlier versions of Impala and CDH Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports Impala 1.0.1 to 2.6 and CDH 5.0 to 5.8. For a list of supported versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 2.6.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Minimum TLS Version Beginning with this release, the driver requires a minimum version of TLS for encrypting the data store connection. By default, the driver requires TLS version 1.2. This requirement may cause existing DSNs and connection strings to stop working, if they are used to connect to data stores that use a TLS version earlier than 1.2. To resolve this, in your DSN or connection string, set the Minimum TLS option (the Min_TLS property) to the appropriate version of TLS for your server. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. Version History ============================================================== 2.7.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2024-01-15 Enhancements & New Features * [IMP-965] Multi-socket fetch support You can now retrieve multiple row set from the server concurrently using multiple client connections. To do this, set EnableMultiSocketFetch to 1. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-963] Improved fetch performance The connector now has enhanced fetch performance. * [IMP-976] Updated third-party library The connector now uses libcURL 8.4.0. Previously, the connector used version 8.1.2. Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Cloudera ODBC Connector for Apache Impala 2.7.1. * [IMP-974][03718180] When authenticating with SAML and an Impala CDW cluster is configured to Active-Active HA mode, the connector returns an error. 2.7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2023-09-15 Enhancements & New Features * [IMP-940][00420456] Support for JWT authentication You can now authenticate your connection with a JSON Web Token (JWT). To do this, select JWT authentication from the Mechanism drop-down list (set the Mechanism property to JWT Authentication). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-941] Updated Windows Server support The connector now supports Windows Server 2022. For a list of supported Windows versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [IMP-951] Updated third-party libraries The connector now uses the following third-party libraries: - Apache Thrift 0.17.0 (previously 0.9.0) - Boost 1.81.0 (previously 1.64.0) - Cyrus SASL 2.1.28 (previously 2.1.26) - Expat 2.5.0 (previously 2.4.6) - ICU 71.1.x (previously 58.2.x) - libcURL 8.1.2 (newly added) - MIT Kerberos 4.1 (previously 4.0.1) - OpenSSL 3.0.9 (previously 1.1.1s) - Simba Engine SDK 10.2 (previously 10.1) - Zlib 1.2.13 (newly added) * [IMP-958] Updated macOS support On macOS, the connector is now a Universal driver that natively supports Apple Silicon. For security best practices, it is suggested to keep both the connector and OS updated. * [IMP-960][03449597] Updated Windows platform support The connector now supports Windows 11. For a list of supported Windows versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Cloudera ODBC Connector for Apache Impala 2.7.0. * [IMP-946][02795738] The connector does not generate the last COALESCE parameter from the ELSE expression in the CASE statement. ============================================================================== Contact Us ============================================================================== If you are having difficulties using the driver, our Community Forum (http://community.cloudera.com) may have your solution. In addition to providing user to user support, our forums are a great place to share your questions, comments, and feature requests with us. If you are a Subscription customer you may also use the Cloudera Support Portal (http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/support/home.html) to search the Knowledge Base or file a Case. Important: To help us assist you, prior to contacting Cloudera Support please prepare a detailed summary of the client and server environment including operating system version, patch level, and configuration.